Online survey of JM/FC road one way scheme

Dr. Adhiraj Joglekar conducted an online survey to collect views and experiences of users with regards to the JM-FC one way scheme. The results of the first 136 respondents of the survey between 12th and 15th September 09 are summarized below. We thank Dr. Joglekar for granting us permission to use data from his survey and publish the results on our website.

It is apparent from this survey that though the scheme has increased speeds of travel, it has compromised safety of both vehicle travellers and pedestrians and cyclists, while increasing commuting distances and making it inconvenient to bus users.

Hinjewadi Traffic Optimization Study

The Pune chapter of Net Impact, an international nonprofit organization working to create a more socially and environmentally sustainable world, recently finished an exhaustive survey of the traffic conditions at Hinjewadi, the large software technology park close to Pune. Parisar was also a partner in the survey and provided inputs into the survey design and analysis of the findings.

Know Your Cyclist

Know Your Cyclist pilot surveyIn June 2009, Parisar undertook a survey of cyclists in Pune with the help of Prof. Shruti Tambe of the Sociology Department of the Pune University, and her students. From Parisar's side Ranjit Gadgil was responsible for driving the project. The idea was to understand the demographic profile of cyclists in Pune, and their real needs and requirements. This survey was only a pilot survey with a small sample size of about 100 cyclists. But it still resulted in valuable insights about cycling in Pune and attitude towards cyclists. Click on the image to the left to download the full report (900KB).

Film on state of pedestrian facilities in Pune

Parisar, together with Locomotives (an I-CE initiative), the Alliance for Global Education and Janwani, helped create a film to document the current state of Pune's pedestrian facilities. It aims to capture the sad state of pedestrian facilities in the city today and also interviews citizens about their views of the problem and solutions.