The advocacy, outreach, and public engagement initiatives undertaken by Parisar cost money! Preparing advocacy material, organizing meetings, round-tables and conferences, travelling and, of course, paying salaries (though small by corporate standards) all require funds. While we try to raise funds from different sources for our operations, we also welcome and appreciate contributions from individuals who support us because they like our work and believe in it. So, please contribute to our cause generously and help us in our endeavours. We promise that your money would be used wisely and prudently.
You can either pay us by cheque or by direct electronic transfer to our account. Details of how to pay are given below.
Cheque: Please make out a crossed cheque in favour of "Parisar" and send it to Parisar, Yamuna, ICS Colony, Ganeshkhind Road, Pune, Maharashtra, India - 411 007.
Electronic transfer: Please transfer the amount to the following account:
Bank details: Bank of Maharashtra, Chatushrungi branch, Pune.
Account number: 20124524196
Account name: Parisar Sanrakshan Sanwardhan Sanstha
Account type: Savings account
IFSC code: MAHB0000049
PAN no. AAATP8628B
We thank you sincerely for your help.
The Parisar Team.