Kolkata Reuse Pilot Initiative: The progress made so far

A comprehensive survey was conducted with 41 street food vendors from Russell Street and Chowringhee Lane. The survey captured critical data on water consumption, single-use plastic (SUP) item purchases, and waste management expenses. A detailed report has been prepared for documentation and future planning. 

Cost analysis for the dishwashing machine and related accessories has been completed, covering installation, operational expenses, and potential revenue generation.

Training sessions and meetings were conducted with street food vendors to bring more awareness on the impact if single use plastic pollution, benefits of reuse system, functioning of the dishwashing center (DWC), and establishing a user fee structure for utensil cleaning.

As part of our stakeholders engagement, meetings were held with the Mayor cum Urban development Minister, Member - Mayor in Council, Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) Commissioner, Secretary and the team.

As part of the official communications, a formal introduction to the reuse pilot was shared with KMC, along with a letter requesting for their support. Following this, a detailed financial and operational proposal, as requested by the KMC Secretary, has been submitted. This initiative continues to gain momentum with support from vendors and authorities. Stay tuned.