Parisar launches petition to implement Pune's Parking Policy at the earliest

Are you aware that amongst all the sources of air pollution, vehicular emissions have the highest adverse health impacts?

The main hazardous pollutants of fossil fuels-based vehicular emissions are particulate matter (PM), sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxide(NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and greenhouse gases. Out of these, the fine and ultrafine PM is able to penetrate the cells of most organs and cause severe respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological illnesses and even premature death, especially in children and the elderly.

Workshop on ‘Air Pollution: Is the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) an adequate response to the crisis?’ held in Pune

Parisar, along with LIFE co-organised a Workshop on ‘Air Pollution: Is the NCAP an adequate response to the crisis?’ to highlight and critique the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) in Pune on the 14th of May 2018. The objective of the workshop was to highlight the action points of the NCAP and to come out with a joint submission to the MoEF before the 17th of May 2018. The programme has exhibited several gaps and is slipshod on several fronts. Several consultations were organized by various groups working on the issue, including The Legal Initiative for Forests and Environment (LIFE) all across the country. 

Parisar opposes PMC proposal to axe 108 trees for road widening

The Pune Municipal Corporation Road Dept. has proposed to axe 108 trees near the University Gate to widen the road in an effort to reduce the growing congestion at this junction. This proposal has been quickly approved by the Pune Tree Authority, the body created under the Maharashtra (Urban Areas) Protection and Preservation of Trees Act, 1975.  

Parisar has strongly objected to this proposal for several reasons.

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